Fundraising campaign for the earthquake victims of Turkey and Syria
Following the earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria, ITK has launched an internal fundraising campaign: From one donation euro, ITK makes two – this was the appeal of the management to the employees. A great initiative that was gladly supported by the staff. A total of 2100 euros was transferred to the aid organisations. Thanks […]
Starting signal for the new building. More space for production and administration.
In mid-January 2023, after a long planning period, the time had finally come: the day of the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony for ITK’s new building. The excavators rolled in and the construction work could finally start. ITK expects the construction to take about 2 years, with the move scheduled for the end of 2024. Growth and […]
Big rush at the food saving organizations
ITK support with a donation. A donation of 1,500 euros for the Tafel Wetzlar, which helps socially disadvantaged fellow human beings, was handed over by ITK Managing Director Dr Ingolf Schäfer to Deacon Christof Mayer (pictured left), the head of the Tafel Wetzlar. “We are grateful for the support, because never before have so many […]
40 years of ITK!
ITK invites staff to a little time out. In 2022, ITK looked back on 40 years of company history and was finally able to host a celebration worthy of the occasion together with the staff. The company outing first took the ITK team on an interesting tour of the ZDF broadcasting centre in Mainz. There, […]
SPS Nuremberg 8 – 10 November 2022
Bringing Automation to Life. This is the motto of this year’s SPS from 08. – 10.11.2022 in Nuremberg. The SPS covers the entire spectrum of smart and digital automation. We will be there! ITK stands for high-precision movements in the automation of tasks in the semiconductor industry, life sciences and magnetic technology. Due to the […]
New brand: PolePositioner
Magnetising systems from ITK will in future bear a brand label. Under the name “PolePositioner”, ITK’s family of magnetising machines will in future be registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office. The PolePositioner family comprises rotary and linear magnetising machines according to customer specifications, with which dimensional measurement scales such as pole rings and […]
Running for a good cause
ITK makes a successful debut at the 21st “Brückenlauf” in Wetzlar. Sunshine and optimal running weather accompanied the participants of the 21st Brückenlauf on Friday, 02 September 2022, who took to the course punctually at 7 pm. The largest grassroots running event in Central Hesse for schools, clubs, companies and authorities was also on the […]
ITK becomes a training company and welcomes its first trainee!
After the summer holidays, it’s that time again: many young people start a new phase in their lives when they begin their training and thus set the course for their future. This is also the case for Ben Bruckner, who starts his apprenticeship as a mechatronics engineer at ITK on 1 September. But this is […]
District Administrator Wolfgang Schuster visits ITK
District Administrator Wolfgang Schuster visits ITK Dr. Kassen GmbH in Lahnau with the business delegation and Mayor Silvia Wrenger-Knispel. The market opportunities and the associated development of medium-sized companies as employers in the Lahn-Dill district are topics in which both District Administrator Wolfgang Schuster and the Head of the Department of Economics, Prof. Dr. Harald […]
ITK participates in state funding project ELM2
Development of a high-precision linear magnetization system for the description of magnetic scales. With the funding measure “KMU-innovativ: Produktionsforschung” (Innovative SMEs: Production Research), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is pursuing the goal of strengthening the innovative power of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as making research funding more attractive to SMEs […]